Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Top Three of Musical Sorts

I have painstakingly chosen the top three songs that I listen to most on my Mp3 player and although it's hard to decide I think I have chosen wisely.I have organized this list by the general tune and how the end result sounds. Another important factor in this list is how enjoyable it actually is to me. You can also click the links to hear the song yourself. This is the the top three list:

3.16 Military Wives- The Decemberists

I choose this song for number three because I like the unique sound this band generates. The drummer keeps a constant beat which is enjoyable and The singer has a unique sound to his voice. This genre of music is usually called Indie Rock, because it is a bit abstract and generally more creative than the mainstream aspect of "rock".This song is in at number three also because it becomes a bit repetitive after a while so it gets a bit old in large doses.

2.The Betrayers- A Plea For Purging

I choose this song for number two for the singer's intense and "hardcore" voice and the technical guitar riffs in the beginning. I enjoy the upbeat aspect of the song as well as the guttural singing. This genre of music is also my favorite and that is another reason why this song is on the top three list as number two. One downfall that I dislike about this song is that it needs more variety in it, because the guitar riffs get a bit repetitive by the end of the song.

1.Take Me Now- Bless The Fall

This song has landed itself as number one for good reasons. The amazing vocal scream at the beginning after the laugh is absolutely genius and a scream like that is hard to learn. I enjoy the variety in this song because it has both regular singing combined with the screams. As well as the singing the guitar riff in this song and the tempo are really enjoyable to me but may be annoying to people that enjoy that feeble country music. One thing that I dislike about this song but isn't that big of a bother is the lyrics are not that in depth.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Going To California...

"Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair. Took my chances on a big jet plane, never let them tell you that they're all the same. "

Theese are lyrics from Led Zeppelin's song "Going to California". Theese lyrics fill me with an unexplainable feeling. I think you could pick any Led Zeppelin lyrics and they will do that to you. The main reason I picked theese lyrics is because of the imagery in them; because how nice does a girl with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair sound? I also enjoy the message at the end which states " Never let them tell you they're all the same.". I get the idea that there's a perfect person for everyone out there even if you have to travel great distances, but always believe what you feel and not to be influenced by your fellow peers.